版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本
react-native Playground featuring code editor and ability to run it immediately on device where it was written, internet access not required. All permissions required by the app can be disabled(except writing to external storage) and it should work fine with restrictions, but you will not be able to use disabled functionality.
*IMPORTANT*: This application is not meant for full scale development, its just a playground, prototyping tool, for developers who want to play and learn, try react-native features.
It's still in alpha state, so there are not much sense in error reporting. I will try weekly updates, let's see how if work.
Latest packages to use in editor:
@react-native-community/async-storage 1.4.0
@react-native-community/blur 3.3.1
@react-native-community/cameraroll 1.0.5
@react-native-community/geolocation 1.4.0
@react-native-community/image-editor 1.3.0
@react-native-community/netinfo 3.1.0
@react-native-community/react-native-clipboard 1.0.1
formik 1.4.2
gl-react-native 2.57.0
react 16.8.3
react-native 0.59.8
react-native-camera 2.9.0
react-native-fs 2.13.3
react-native-gesture-handler 1.2.1
react-native-image-picker 0.28.1
react-native-immersive 2.0.0
react-native-linear-gradient 2.5.4
react-native-mime-types 2.2.1
react-native-splash-screen 3.2.0
react-native-svg 9.4.0
react-native-vector-icons 6.4.2
react-native-video 4.4.1
react-native-webgl 0.8.0
react-native-webgl-camera 0.0.0
react-native-webgl-video 0.0.0
react-native-webview 5.8.0
react-navigation 3.1.5
react-redux 6.0.0
redux 4.0.1
redux-persist 5.10.0
redux-thunk 2.3.0
reselect 4.0.0
yup 0.26.7